Planet Devlog #13 - Diplomacy

This is a picture of the new diplomacy GUI. It appears in the top right corner of the screen and shows which civs you have allied with and which ones you are warring against. Civs will decide every now and then to ally with someone or war against someone.

If you click on an alien settlement what is pictured above will pop up. You can declare war with that civ and its allies or you can ally with that civ.

Before this update, every civ would be warring with each other but now everyone is netrual with each other until they ally or war. Here are some pictures of warring civs and allied civs.


  • Diplomacy
  • Allies
  • Wars
  • Diplomacy GUI

Working on-

  • Quality of life improvements
  • Winning/Losing conditions

Plan to work on-

  • Different gamemodes
  • Beta release

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