Planet Devlog #12 - Main menu and single system generation

This is what the main menu will look like. The planets orbit around the middle of the screen and hovering over the play button will show a freighter, laser ship, kamikaze ship, and all fighter ships. Hovering over the quit button will show the destroyed version of all of those combat ships.

Once the player clicks play, this will pop up. You can change the star size, planet count, and alien count of the system you are about to generate. Selecting auto will make the planet count automatically scale with the star size. In the future, the play button will lead to a screen that will show the different gamemodes. I plan to have a normal gamemode, one where the sun is about to go supernova so the player and the aliens will have a certain amount of time to prepare, and one where the star is slowly hatching into a large space monster and all of the civs will have to band together in order to fight it off. Any suggestions for gamemodes are welcome as I want there to be tons of variety.

This is a snippet of what the new system will look like. Alien civs will spawn on planets as usual and planets will spawn moons and orbit the star as usual. The main change is the way asteriods generate. Now they will generate in two different rings around the star. Some will generate closer and the rest will generate farther out as oppose to all of them generating at the edge.


  • Main menu and generation option menu
  • Slightly different system generation
  • Single system generation
  • Different planet sprites

Working on-

  • Diplomacy

Plan to work on-

  • Different gamemodes
  • Beta release

Once I am done with adding diplomacy the game will be almost finished. I will release an open beta either once diplomacy is done or my two ideas for gamemodes are done. I will take any feedback during the open beta and any ideas are great too.

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