Planet Devlog #14 - Shipyards and win/loss conditions

We are back! It has been a while but now I am back to Planet. All I have to do now is add music and sound effects then I will release an open beta for feedback and so you can just see what the game will be like. I have tons of ideas for the full release such as different gamemodes, a skill tree, changing enemy difficulty, a place to read on all the facilities, and a tutorial. The beta will be a very bare bones of what I want Planet to be.

While playtesting, I got to a point where I could not do anything since all of the aliens had taken over the other planets and I was lieft to only a freighter and a couple of fighters. I decided to add a way to get fighters and freighters without limits. This is what the shipyard does. You can use it to create fighters and freighters as long as you pay the resources to make them. Laser ships and kamikaze ships are still limited to the mining path.

Here is a little thing I did with the shipyard

That settlement did not stand a chance

Here are the victory and defeat screens you will see once you have either conquered all other civs or you have been defeated

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