Planet Devlog #7 - Level 2 facilities


  • Second mining vessel upgrade, extra mining vessels for mining asteriods
  • Ring miners, only needed when the planet has rings to mine
  • Moon miners, flies out to moons and creates a moon miner
  • Solar satelites, small satelites that orbit a planet and gain energy from the sun
  • Nuclear power plants, power plants but better
  • Dyson panels, energy generating mirrors that orbit a planet and gain energy like solar satelites
  • Stations, will be used for detecting other systems for colonization
  • Second settlement fleet, an extra settlement fleet for colonizing more planets
  • Freighters, large ships that command fighters around to follow it

Next to work on-

  • A different sprite for level 2 settlements to visualize the advancement of said settlement
  • Level 2 alien facilites
  • Space combat

Planning to work on-

  • Level 3 facilities
  • Interstellar travel and colonization
  • Megastructures starting with the Dyson Sphere
  • Space wars

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